Innovation Management – The Harsh Facts Of Life For All Innovators

Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation.

There are other useful definitions in this field, for example, creativity can be defined as consisting of a number of ideas, a number of diverse ideas and a number of novel ideas.

There are distinct processes that enhance problem identification and idea generation and, similarly, distinct processes that enhance idea selection, development and commercialisation. Whilst there is no sure fire route to commercial success, these processes improve the probability that good ideas will be generated and selected and that investment in developing and commercialising those ideas will not be wasted.

The harsh facts of life for all innovators

a) Your opinion doesn’t matter. The end user’s does.

b) People will resist change unless they see a significant benefit.

c) If the innovation failed, then you made the wrong assumptions.… Read more

Are Hydrogen Fuel Conversion Kits All Just a Big Scam?

Hydrogen Fuel Conversion kits are more and more popular so obviously people are wondering if these are all just a big scam. Well being the owner of a car that uses a hydrogen fuel conversion kit for about 4 months now I can clearly state that it’s not a scam, and that indeed it delivers. My car is now 60% more fuel efficient, meaning I more then doubled my mileage.

So let’s look at how it works: A hydrogen fuel conversion kits uses electricity from your car’s battery to separate water into a gas known as HHO. This burns effectively and supplies significant energy. HHO has the atomic power of hydrogen but…it maintains the stability of water. This means the entire process is very safe and very effective at the same time.

So let’s look at the benefits: Any hydrogen fuel conversion kit is guaranteed to increase your mileage by … Read more

Increase Business Revenue With an Innovation Strategy

Innovation provides many ways to increase revenue in your business. A properly managed innovation strategy can increase sales of products or services. An increase in sales can result from new products or services, as well as the introduction of new features for existing products or services.

Increased business revenue can result from:

  1. New customers that are attracted to your innovative products or new product features. These new customers may also purchase other products and services from your company.
  2. Existing customers who purchase your new products in addition to the products they previously purchased. This situation builds stronger customer relationships while expanding product sales.
  3. Existing customers who begin purchasing more frequently due to the new product innovations. Your new product features may cause existing customers to consume more products, or buy more of your products as “replacements” for products previously purchased from a competitor.

Promote your business as an “innovator” and … Read more

5 Key Facts About Rugged Servers and the Internet of Things

If you pay attention to tech news, you may have noticed the recent buzzword, the “internet of things.” While this is a pretty silly moniker, it refers to a situation in which objects, people, or even animals are given unique identifiers, enabling them to transmit data over a network without any interaction with another human or a computer. Through the use of wireless technology and rugged servers, the Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved into a complex network with limitless possibilities.

1. The Internet of Things is All Inclusive

When you talk about the internet of things, there are almost no limits to what types of ‘things’ can be considered. A ‘thing’ can be a human with a wireless heart monitor, livestock with biochip transponders, or even an automobile that can alert its driver when the tire pressure is low. In short, a ‘thing’ can be anything that can be … Read more

The Three Learning Phases of Innovation: Thinking, Automating, Predicting

There seems to be a natural learning progression as something is mastered. I’ve observed, in many instances, the transition of learning through three distinct phases; Thinking, Automating, and Predicting (TAP).

Stage 1: Thinking

The Thinking phase is about learning the necessary skills, rules, and tactics to accomplish the goal. In this phase you’re consumed by gaining proficiency, and there is a strong sense of not knowing everything you need to know.

For innovation, the first stage, Thinking, is embodied through idea capture and processing. Organizations in this stage are trying to figure out how to get innovation started. They are working on the rules and process for capturing ideas, reviewing them, and moving them forward.

Stage 2: Automating

In the second phase, Automating, you’ve mastered all of the rules such that you no longer have to think much about what you’re doing. This is the most dangerous stage as we … Read more