Technology And Entertainment – How Well They Go Together

The entertainment industry is now totally dependent on the use of technology. Their target was to meet challenges of the 21st century and adaptation of technology thus became inevitable. This adaptation was though for good because it did a lot of good to the industry as well.

The reach to the global audience in the first place was possible because of the advancement in technology. The technology to some extent flourished because of the entertainment industry. The advancement in graphics technology and animation is a living proof. The animation industry certainly boomed due to increasing popular demand. The animated cartoons are equally popular among children and adults. The makers of animation films now try to make a storyline that even elders can enjoy. This all shows the power and potential of this industry and animation is a large share of this large industry.

This whole game goes to a whole … Read more

Seven Characteristics of a Good IT Vendor

You may be thinking about hiring an information technology vendor to manage and support your business computer system. Maybe you have grown tired of doing the work yourself, or maybe the vendor you now have isn’t satisfactory. Here are seven characteristics to look for in your technology support partner:

1.    Technical expertise

Of course, your IT partner must have a sufficient level of expertise to recognize and resolve problems on your system. Certifications and experience demonstrate that your partner has a basic understanding of the concepts and applications necessary for solid support. As a test, your prospective partner should be able to spend up to thirty minutes reviewing your system and give you a solid explanation of the condition of your system and maybe a recommended improvement or two.

2.    Strong communication skills

You may not need to know the details of everything your vendor does on your system, but … Read more

Technology Vs Human Side in the Organization

The role of HR has certainly undergone a sea change since last decade. Organizations are becoming more global, scalable and multidimensional. Although the paradigm has shifted towards the technological front, but the human touch and the human intervention would still not be an alien talk. Pragmatically the organizations are striving for more advancement in technology, automation and scalability of their business and operations.

The most important thing which we are lacking in this entire gamut of advancement in technology and automation is that we are failing to recognize the role of human intervention and the values which an employee can add to the organization. In this so called “Technical and Automation Era” are we going to completely turn away from the HUMAN aspect? Or is everything going to be so robotic and there would be maximum reliance on it? Is this one of the most striking question which is popularly … Read more

Educational Technology – What Does a Classroom Look Like Today?

It’s an exciting time for education and technology. Educational technology is consistently improving and more common place in the classroom. Google “21st Century Classroom Presentation.” You’ll find schools moving to a different kind of environment. Is this good? Are there problems with adding interactivity and engaging materials in the classroom?

These questions won’t be answered in this article. This article is going to focus on educational technology. Technology that is consistently demonstrated at conferences for teachers and administrators. This article is intended to educate you on what technology is currently available for schools. We’re also going to stick with the 21st Century Classroom theme.

Document cameras, projectors and computers are becoming common place in the classroom. Document cameras are an incredible piece of technology used in education today. The ability to show a page in a text book or a worksheet up on the board without making a transparency! Many … Read more

What’s the Career Outlook for Health Information Technology?

When you think about a career in medicine, you don’t immediately consider health information technology as one of the options. Yet, as medical systems are moving more towards being run by computers, IT professionals with a background in medicine or health are becoming more and more critical. Medical information technology careers are among the fastest-growing domains of study over the last few years. The supply of professionals in HIT fails to meet the demands of the industry. As a career, there’s a lot of room for advancement and promotion. What’s more, it allows an individual to perform valuable support in running a medical facility. Patient records and other crucial infrastructure are now moving to a cloud-based architecture, needing trained experts to help run them.

Skilled IT is in Demand in All Areas

The field of medicine isn’t the only one that needs skilled IT professionals. Several industries want the most … Read more